5 tips on how to grow your hair faster

We can honestly say that we’re very jealous of women who can grow their hair pretty fast without using any additional treatments or products. Unfortunately, growing your hair even a couple of centimeters can be very difficult, thus, in this article we’ve prepared some useful tips on how to grow your hair faster! 


 1. Stop washing your hair every day. By using shampoo, we wash away not only grease and styling products but also sebum, which moisturizes and protects the skin and hair. Therefore, due to frequent washing, the hair loses its natural shine, becomes weaker, and more susceptible to aggressive external factors.

  2. Choose SLS-free shampoos. This shampoo shouldn’t contain SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) and SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulfate). Instead of sulfates, which make up the foam, the sulfate-free shampoo contains natural ingredients. That is why it cleans more gently than regular shampoo and doesn’t wash away the sebum so much. We recommend using keratin shampoo and conditioner.

  3. Be careful with hair growth activators. These products can be classified as serious weapons. However, hair stylists don’t recommend buying all the products the manufacturers of which promise you a quick result. Experts are especially skeptical about shampoos for hair growth.

Hair growth shampoos are often just a marketing ploy.

  4. Regularly visit the hairstylist. The wish to keep every millimeter of hair is understandable and natural. But still, teach yourself to regularly visit the hair salon for a cut. Hairstylists recommend cutting your hair at least once every three months.

 5. Don’t forget about hair smoothing treatment. Keratin hair treatment or botox hair treatment can make your hair super obedient and healthy. Besides, your hair will be absolutely smooth, thus, it will look longer!

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