خذ الأفضل! متى يجب عليك تخزين برازيل كاكاو

We have used to this new type of normal life with social distancing and individual protective measures. Despite the fact, that the whole world is extremely exhausted with coronavirus, it’s not the best time to relax, as several countries report about the second wave of COVID-19. We can’t predict what will happen in the future, but just in case we would like to give you some recommendations on when should you stock up with Brasil Cacau

The pandemic isn’t over yet, but each of us is already facing a great price increase. The exchange rate is super unstable nowadays, and the situation is only getting worse. At the moment there is an economic crisis in almost all economic areas. When the situation with coronavirus will improve, the manufacturers will definitely increase prices just to replenish their losses. We recommend buying Brasil Cacau right at the moment when the prices are not as high as they possibly will be in the future.

Now let’s find out how to calculate the right amount exactly for your salon. One 1000 ml bottle of Brasil Cacau is enough for 7-8 procedures. In order to calculate how many bottles you should buy, take into account the following parameters:

 - the overall number of clients who do Brasil Cacau keratin straightening procedure;

 - the number of clients with short and long hair;

 - the procedure frequency.

This may be not that easy, but having done it once, you will precisely calculate the needed amount! 

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