Hair polishing: what is it? Pros and cons of the procedure

Hair polishing is a relatively new procedure that has already gained popularity among women. What’s the essence of this treatment? Are there pros and cons that you should be aware of? Keep on reading and find it out!

Hair polishing is a perfect procedure for you if you:

 - used aggressive hair dyes and bleaching powder;
 - regularly use a hairdryer and a styler;
 - have brittle or dyed hair;
 - think that your hair is too short and want to make it visually longer as fast as possible;

Be careful! If your hair is very thin or curly then you can’t perform hair polishing! Instead of it, we’re glad to suggest keratin hair treatment or botox hair treatment. Together with keratin shampoo and conditioner these procedures will make your hair smooth and shiny for long!

 Pros of hair polishing:

 - for three to four months the hair looks much smoother and more neat;
 - hair does not get tangled, so combing is smooth and painless;
 - after the polishing procedure, each hair gets a perfectly even cut;
 - split hair ends, located along their entire length, are almost completely eliminated;
 - during the procedure, only three to ten millimeters of hair length is cut (maximum - up to two centimeters).

 Cons of hair polishing:

The procedure shouldn’t be performed if you suffer from hair loss or your hair has become too thin. Besides, polished hair looks a little bit less voluminous. Remember that owners of curly and/or frizzy hair shouldn’t do this procedure as well.

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